Folk remedies for men's ability to act quickly

consultation with your doctor about low efficacy

It’s good not to have to think about what folk remedies are available for the power of quick action by men. Unfortunately, not everyone is so lucky, and for some men, it’s an urgent, serious problem. What’s more, there’s a solution - the stronger can’t choose a product for the benefit of every needy representative.

How to quickly increase your potential?

an elderly person has problems with potency

Every man needs to know the answer to this question because this problem usually comes up suddenly. To avoid being discouraged and disturbed by sexual impotence, it is better to prepare for the fight in any case, but first we need to figure out where the trouble is coming from. Here are the main reasons why folk remedies may be needed to increase the effectiveness of fast-acting men:

  1. Disease. Sexual health problems in most cases begin after 40-45 years.
  2. Lifestyle. Men who eat poorly, are overburdened emotionally and physically, suffer from sleep deprivation, and abuse bad habits are at greater risk.
  3. Overweight. Fat layers sometimes contribute to the fact that a purely male hormone begins to be replaced by a female one.
  4. Diseases. In order to think about what folk remedies should be used for the rapid action of men, the stronger sex may have diseases that are associated with decreased immunity, infectious lesions. The most dangerous are: inflammation of the prostate, urethritis, neurosis, neuralgia, congenital and acquired genital defects.
  5. Psychology. Psychological factors are just as important. Stress, depression, lack of sympathy for women, fears of their own sexual incompetence - all of which can lead to impotence.

What if the problem continues to knock on the door? There are folk remedies for the power of quick action, but in order not to have to use them constantly, it is important to rethink your lifestyle:

  1. Add some sports.
  2. Eat healthy by adding so-called healthy fats to your diet, which increase testosterone levels.
  3. Take vitamins regularly.
  4. Less sugar.
  5. Make up for the lack of minerals.
  6. Avoid stress.
  7. Enough sleep.

How to quickly increase your potential?

It is extremely important that the stronger gender performs the marital duty properly and regularly. You don’t have to run to the pharmacy right away and buy pharmacy products for efficiency to achieve the desired effect. If the problem is disturbed with enviable perseverance, it is better to see a doctor immediately. Periodic failures of known origin - caused by stress, overtime - can be corrected with the help of proven, harmless but effective folk recipes.

Herbs for potency

Herbal therapy is enough for some to return to male potency. Specifically, many plants are much more effective than medicine. Popular and really useful folk remedies to increase the potency of men are usually decoctions and infusions:

  • nettle;
  • ginseng;
  • clover;
  • safflower leuzea;
  • celery;
  • parsley;
  • arrowhead goat goat;
  • hawthorn;
  • Siberian espresso;
  • Ginkgo biloba;
  • calamus swamp;
  • ivan-chai;
  • Dubrovnik;
  • violence.
herbs to increase potency

In order for herbs to only improve the strength of men with folk remedies, they need to be treated correctly:

  1. It is better not to mix herbal and medicinal preparations.
  2. It is advisable to choose an herb together with a specialist to increase the strength of the male.
  3. It is best not to combine herbs and homeopathic remedies.
  4. Although herbs are considered a harmless therapy, they should be taken strictly according to dosage.
  5. It is better to give up alcohol during phytotherapy. Even the smallest dose can be harmful.

Essential oils for potency

Essential oils are also good at how to increase the potency of men. The ingredients in them relax, relieve tension and have a beneficial effect on sexual function in every way possible. The best aphrodisiac essential oils for men are among them:

  1. ylang-ylang;
  2. sandalwood;
  3. black pepper;
  4. patchouli;
  5. almond.

These tools can be used in many ways. For example, some of the stronger sexes use oils to smoke the room and create the desired romantic environment. For others, ethers only help if they are used for massage. In addition, in some cases, the desired effect can only be achieved by affecting the erogenous zones.

Products potency

You can also regain masculine power by changing the menu. Potential products for fast-acting men include:

  • nuts;
  • Seafood;
  • onion;
  • garlic;
  • egg;
  • fruits;
  • vegetables;
  • legumes;
  • Rye bread;
  • porridge;
  • whole wheat bread.

Honey ginger has worked very well - a healthy recipe for men that has been proven over the years and not by many representatives of the stronger. Interestingly, the products alone cannot provide the desired effect. When combined, they start to take effect almost immediately, and if you keep adding them to the menu, you can safely forget about the problems in bed.

Recipes for men to increase potency

It is important to understand that even the most effective and classical folk remedies will not be able to cope with the task if the causes of the problem are not eliminated. That is, in parallel with non-traditional treatment, men are strongly advised to strain the nervous system, learn to relax, eliminate bad habits if possible, and adhere to proper nutrition where possible.

How to increase efficiency in a week?

young man with good strength

Seven days is enough time to support men’s health with vitamins and minerals.

Good folk remedies:

  1. You can enrich your body with zinc by eating egg yolk, wheat bran, shrimp, oysters and anchovies.
  2. Selenium has a great effect on the condition of the reproductive system. This mineral synthesizes sex hormones and helps maintain testosterone levels at appropriate levels.
  3. Vitamins B strengthen the body and increase resistance to fatigue.
  4. Vitamins E normalize hormonal levels, strengthen the walls of blood vessels.
  5. Eggs are an excellent medicine. They should be taken on an empty stomach. A chicken or 3-4 quail eggs a day can help increase your potency within a week.

Increase potency with folk remedies in 3 days

It’s harder to cope with such a difficult task in such a short time, but there are folk remedies for the potential of men who don’t have a problem with it. Very good medicine, such as pomegranate juice. Even a glass speeds up an erection. If you drink every day for at least a month, you can completely forget about the problems of men’s insolvency.

Walnuts with honey - recipe for men


  • honey - 1 part;
  • walnuts - 1 part.

Preparation and application

  1. Finely chop the walnuts.
  2. Mix with honey.
  3. Eat a few teaspoons after a meal in the morning and evening.
  4. For greater effectiveness, the drug can also be taken with milk.

How to quickly increase the potency before the act?

Everyone chooses the fastest and best medicine for themselves. Best of all, in order to make a drug worse at home than popular drugs, everyone can master the prescription for men. Most folk remedies are made from simple and affordable ingredients that can be found in every home (or at any of the nearest stores or pharmacies).

We help you quickly increase your potential:

  • 15 drops of Eleutherococcus tincture and no trace of old male problems;
  • a good fast-acting aphrodisiac - white wine mulled wine;
  • quick assistant - ginseng tincture (takes 5-10 drops).

The best folk remedy against potency

Unfortunately, it is impossible to name a single good tool that would suit everyone. Every body is unique, so you need to think about how to individually increase a man’s strength with folk remedies. But there is a recipe that many people have been convinced of its effectiveness.

Green walnuts for potency


  • green walnuts - 2 tbsp. l. ;
  • vodka - 0, 5 l.

Preparation and application

  1. Finely chop the walnuts and place in a glass container.
  2. Pour vodka and seal.
  3. Infusion for 3 months in the dark.
  4. Then take it out and take it to 50 g in the evening.

The following techniques are considered best:

  • diet;
  • regular physical activity;
  • phytotherapy;
  • strengthening the immune system.